Posted by: Anthony | July 23, 2007

Harry Potter

You are what you read. Well, there is some truth to that statement, anyways. A review of past examples of great Christian leaders reveals that many enjoyed a diet of histories, biographies and theologies during their youth.

The literary sustenance of our present generation is largely defined by evolution-driven science fiction, ungodly fear-provoking horror, and both the neo-pagan and occult imagery which is pervasive in much of the modern fantasy genre.

Such a feast is a recipe for cultural and spiritual disaster. It is not merely literary junk food, in some cases it is a slow poison.

This week we were reminded of America’s national cravings for yet another plate of “good” occult witch vs. bad occult witch, when the final installment of the Harry Potter series hit the books stands.

That’s how a recent post by Mr. Doug Phillips of Vision Forum, Inc., started out. I believe that what he said is true. Harry Potter, and other perverted literature, is a “slow poison” to the follower of Jesus Christ.

I highly encourage you to read the rest of his post here, and take a look at another post concerning a Barna Group report entitled “Harry Potter’s Influence Goes Unchallenged in Most Homes“.

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